Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Now this is really sick. Why not a bumper sticker asking people to save the pets at Devore? Again these terrorists aren't interested in helping the Devore shelter pets, their actions speak much louder than their words. Warped minds like this. 


  1. It is clear the “activists” or “No-Killers’ could care less about the animals at the Devore Animal Shelter. Who would go to a shelter to see abused animals? Most people will run or adopt a “free” pet from Craigslist or the local newspaper. What do the “activists” hope to accomplish by posting bumper stickers like this? I know, they listed the telephone number at Devore, so erratic and unstable people can call Devore and clog the telephone lines all day. This way, true animal rescuers or people wishing to adopt pets can’t get through the busy telephone lines to inquiry about adopting. This will cause more animals to die, which appears to be the “activists” primary objective.

    1. I think you have it, Anon:37. Actions always speak louder than words.

  2. Yes, this is the motive behind the bumper sticker and every warped thing the activists do, they want more to die so they can force "No Kill". But I have news for them, it ain't gonna happen. In fact, they are pushing the line right now as far as threats and if I were them, I would back off and shut my mouth. Nothing like an FBI record to get in the way of one's life, and they deserve it.

  3. Yep, the more "dirt" they think they can stir in the proverbial pot of deception, the better for them.

    They have NO desire to help, much less save, animals - in the shelter or anywhere. Dog breeders only want to make money.

    I'm happy that the officials are involved in this now - just like Liberty County, New Jersey animal council taking their NK pot stirrers to court - and winning - for all sorts of threats and libel.

    Devore (and ALL other shelters under the dog breeder's NK attacks, should file for a restraining order against them - offline and online.

    That will cut out alot of the activity - and what it doesn't cut out, the courts can deal with - and the jail(s).

    1. I really do see it in the near future about restraining orders, etc. This isn't to be taken lightly. It is doing so much harm to the animals, and these people need to stop it.

  4. I agree, these terrorist are showing their true colors.

    I know. How about creating bumper stickers in support of Devore. How about Patti is a crackpot, Royce is a hoarder, Christine let the dogs provide 'special care' to her (oops. I mean she provides special care to them).

    They lie about Devore, maybe its time Devore turns the tables and lies about them. A good dose of medical could go a long way.

  5. Best not to repay evil with evil - we are supposed to repay evil with goodness - and then leave the vengeance up to God. These people, and the entire NK house of cards, are falling day by day.

    There is something to that saying about giving a person a rope and eventually they'll hang their own selves.

  6. Austin has for all practical purposes fallen. Reno is next pending the results of the county audit. Winograd is running scared right now. And these activists should be ashamed to demand a shelter be their Messiah's considering all his failures. But they continue to read his propaganda. Philly was a house of horrors under NKE and they want Devore to be that? These activists are completely drunk on Winograd's koolaid.

  7. California Penal Code 422 PC defines the crime of "criminal threats" (formerly known as terrorist threats).

    A "criminal threat" is when you threaten to kill or physically harm someone and

    1.that person is thereby placed in a state of reasonably sustained fear for his/her safety or for the safety of his/her immediate family,

    2.the threat is specific and unequivocal and communicate the threat verbally, in writing, or via an electronically transmitted device.1

    Criminal threats can be charged whether or not you have the ability to carry out the threat...and even if you don't actually intend to execute the threat.2

  8. The dog breeding NKers are still claiming successes of all of this trouble ridden facilities, too. Do they not think that people read the news? lol

    The NKers should really just fold up and slither on back to their dog club meetings - and stop trying to pretend they are "experts" at animal welfare when they are the main reason animal welfare oversight committees have to even be created.


Remember no accusations without proof. Rant if you will, it won't be published.