Tuesday, May 15, 2012




Description: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/157768_712608623_2062142149_q.jpg
May 5

Operation Blankets of Love has animal abusers and cruel shelter workers in sight!!
We're not going to take it!! No, we're not going to take it! We're not going to take it anymore!!!
·         Stop Devore Animal Cruelty likes this.

This terrorist threat has been sent to the BOS, to the Sheriff, and to the FBI Animal Terrorism task force. Maybe these activists think this funny, but it is not and is being treated as a threat. 


  1. For those who would also like to report this here is the FBI link. https://tips.fbi.gov/

  2. This photograph speaks volumes regarding the true unstable behavior of the “No-Kill activists.” Everyone who has concerns regarding this photo should read the book entitled, Pathological Altruism which provides clear insight into the behavior of individuals who have a desire to depict themselves in this fashion and belittle or hurt others to make themselves feel better. A summary of the book is available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/04/science/04angier.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all
    Again, anyone who wants to learn more about what motivates these people to behave in this manner should read this book.

  3. I agree, I have read the book. It does describe the activists to a tee. They are sick people when they think what they are doing is helping animals. They are killing animals with their actions. Blood is on their hands and they just keep dipping those hands in the blood of all the shelter animals who lost their lives because of the actions of the activists.

  4. I also pray for the innocent shelter employees who are losing their jobs because of these people's behavior and accusations. It seems they could care less about the people who are losing their income during these difficult recession time. Any one who intentionally does something like that, with no thought of the consequences, has no decency in them.

    But then again, we are talking dog breeders and their allies.

    I still say for Devore and ALL shelters to file for restraining orders against these groups. They diss Peta and the HSUS but never have I seen or known either of those TRUE animal welfare orgs behave in the manner that the NKers are.

  5. shame on you blankets of love and all the other "rescues". this behavior is not acceptable. stop thinking with your bank account$. guns??? what happened to all the love they have for animals? do they really think guns are going to fix the issuses?
    here is something to think about:
    California Penal Code 422 PC defines the crime of "criminal threats" (formerly known as terrorist threats).
    A "criminal threat" is when you threaten to kill or physically harm someone and
    1.that person is thereby placed in a state of reasonably sustained fear for his/her safety or for the safety of his/her immediate family,
    2.the threat is specific and unequivocal and
    3.you communicate the threat verbally, in writing, or via an electronically transmitted device.1
    Criminal threats can be charged whether or not you have the ability to carry out the threat...and even if you don't actually intend to execute the threat.2

  6. California Penal Code 422 PC defines the crime of "criminal threats" (formerly known as terrorist threats).

    A "criminal threat" is when you threaten to kill or physically harm someone and

    1.that person is thereby placed in a state of reasonably sustained fear for his/her safety or for the safety of his/her immediate family,

    2.the threat is specific and unequivocal and

    3.you communicate the threat verbally, in writing, or via an electronically transmitted device.1

    Criminal threats can be charged whether or not you have the ability to carry out the threat...and even if you don't actually intend to execute the threat.2

  7. I have been reading alot about the Devore Shelter online. I wanted to say my family has always donated blankets and old newspapers to this shelter. The staff is happy to see us. I have personally seen our blanket in the kennel with a mother and her pups. What is this lady talking about. Her facebook page says this shelter will not take blankets. It seems like her lies will only hurt the animals. We will continue to support this shelter. Keep up the great work Devore.

  8. Yes Anon, same here. And I have seen blankets use for certain dogs/cats many times. When this woman arrived originally at Devore, she became belligerent and finally stormed off saying she would not leave any blankets. The staff would not promise to use the blankets the way she wanted, they explained they had had problems in the past. Blankets are used for nursing litters, injured, but not for everyday. Think about rain and wet blankets, what planet are these people on that they can't think in the best interest of the dog? Many of these dogs have never even see a blanket. If they get adopted maybe they will have their blankie but don't put them in danger until someone can keep an eye on them.

  9. what a shame. this lunatic removed the photo.

  10. I don't think she had a choice actually.


Remember no accusations without proof. Rant if you will, it won't be published.