Monday, August 3, 2015


We are there with the police, fire and EMTs when they need a home cleared, and we stay once they have moved on to their next call. We remove the injured and deceased animals, and respectfully carry the dead bodies of the pets we never got to know back to an understaffed, ill-equipped facility to try to mend their wounds, or wish them farewell as they cross the rainbow bridge. Unlike other first responders, we are our own drivers, detectives, crime scene investigators, expert witnesses, jails, hospitals, nurses and in the end, medical examiners, and yet, when we fail to deliver the caliber of services of police, fire, and EMTs, without the resources or support provided them, we are labeled as uncaring Murderers and useless Dog Catchers.

Animal control workers make the daily sacrifice of putting our desire to make a difference and to ensure those precious souls have someone that cares about them before our own emotions. We cry ourselves to sleep, when we can sleep, and if the never ending stream of cruelty and unkind gestures of people towards the animals we care so deeply about doesn’t kill us, or force us to move on to a healthier career choice, we get to suffer the injustice of just how truly cruel people can be, not only to animals, but to those that devote their lives to them.

Read more of this shelter director's letter at:

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