This article points out that transports are unethical when they are going into places still having to euthanize for time and space. There are many horror stories about pet transports, many. Can only make one think, how many more horror stories are out there that have been covered up.
They even import, by the hundreds, dogs from the United States — one of the wealthiest, most educated, and most powerful nations in the world!
What does that say about us? With all our wealth, education and power, we can't solve a simple problem of pet overpopulation?
They do it with sensational media headlines, television cameras running, frantic pleas sent out via facebook for money, for fosters, for adopters. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Canadian dogs languish in shelters month after month, or are shot in annual culls across northern Canada, or are euthanized by the animal control facilities charged with their care and protection. And no one seems to give a damn. Certainly not the importers bringing truckloads of needy dogs into the country.
Please read this article and visit the writer's blog for even more.